About Scott Cressman

I’ve been vegetarian now for about 30 years. I love food, cooking and trying unique world cuisines. I have over 550 cookbooks from all over the world that make a wall of earthly delights in our dining room. I am a foody pure and simple.

About nine years ago I bought a smoker with the intention of exploring how it might be used in vegetarian cooking. That exploration quickly led me to vegan sausage as a quick and easy primary use of the smoker.

Sue and I pack salad lunches most work days and we have always just bought veggie meats off the shelf at the supermarket. While good, they do not compare to making it yourself.

I am committed to low fat and not using any preservatives or manufactured flavour enhancers in my recipes. Natural ingredients found at any health food market or better supermarket.

Bottom line for me (being a former carnivore) is working to create vegan meats that not only taste better than animal flesh but also commercial veggie meats and I would like to encourage others to do the same.

If you have a recipe or special spice blend you’d like to share, drop me a line and I’ll post with a credit to you.

There are some good references to great vegan sausages out there. The guy that got me interested in it is at http://vegandad.blogspot.ca

Scott Cressman