Vegan Compost Broth

Making compost veggie broth is a great way to use up vegetable scraps and reduce waste in the kitchen. It easy to make and tastes awesome. Use it instead of water in your sausage recipes. Here’s how to do it:


  • 1-2 cups of vegetable scraps (such as onion ends, carrot peels, celery leaves, mushroom stems, etc.)
  • 8 cups of water
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic (optional)
  • 1-2 bay leaves (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Collect vegetable scraps in a container or plastic bag and store them in the freezer until you have enough to make a broth.
  2. When you have enough scraps, place them in a large pot and cover them with water.
  3. Add the garlic cloves (if using) and bay leaves (if using) to the pot.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  6. Strain the broth through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove the vegetable scraps, garlic, and bay leaves.
  7. Season the broth with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Store the broth in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Note: You can use a variety of vegetable scraps to make this broth, including onion ends, carrot peels, celery leaves, mushroom stems, broccoli stalks, and more. Just make sure to avoid using any spoiled or rotten vegetables. You can also add fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary to the broth for additional flavor.